Quantum Nutrition Testing

We, at Quantum Energy Wellness, have noticed an increasing trend in disease and overall poor health in our nation.

Are you dealing with…

  • Fatique and Low Energy?

  • Pain and Inflammation?

  • Hormonal Imbalances and Low Libido?

  • Sleep Struggles?

  • Weight Gain?

  • Hair Thinning or Falling Out?

  • Heavy Metal Toxicity?

  • Parasites?

Let’s figure out what you need!

Our practitioners specialize in Quantum Nutrition Testing. This is where we can test you, find out the cause(s) to your health issues and then we can make a complete customized-to-you program to help you resolve your issues.

We can also test the supplements and medications you are currently taking and see if your body really needs them.

No more guessing what you might need.

We don’t guess, we test!

Our Method

At Quantum Energy Wellness, we use Quantum Nutrition Testing to identify the root causes of weaknesses in your body. This testing, based on applied kinesiology, helps us understand the underlying issues contributing to your health problems. Once we identify the issue, we test for the most effective supplements to address it.

We recognize that every person is unique. That's why we offer personalized supplements tailored to your specific health concerns. Our solutions include proprietary products with patent-pending HydraStat Nano Technology, physician-grade whole food supplements, homeopathic liquid supplements, herbs, and special products utilizing carbon technology. These supplements, made from natural ingredients, are designed to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Our approach is comprehensive: we don't just treat symptoms; we identify the root cause of your health issues and provide personalized solutions to help you achieve optimal well-being.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!


- Initial Testing: $125

- Retesting: $50

Note: If you order supplements through us, you will receive a one-time $75 credit towards your purchase.


  • Sojaila Lopresto

    “I suffered with headaches, migraines, and seizures. Quantum Nutrition Testing found I had heavy metal toxicity and parasites. By following the personalized supplement plan developed, we were able to detox the Mercury and Parasites and I've been symptom free since 2013.”

  • Joey

    “Overall, I feel like a completely different person. I have energy and can do things like a normal person again. My digestive system has greatly improved. I know it will take a bit more time to completely heal, but I know I'm finally on the right track. Thank you for giving me my life back. I appreciate it!”

  • Cathy

    “I had been under a doctors care for years. 32 different diagnoses with too many tests and over 15 surgeries! I was convinced that the care I was receiving was only making me worse. So I made the decision to start taking control of my life. After being tested quantumly, we found I had Cestodes (a parasite) located in several areas of my body. I began following the health and supplement plan designed for me and that's when the real progress finally began. After 30 years, I'm off all meds prescribed and no longer controlled by all the chronic health issues that plagued me for decades. I'm 63 but used to feel more like 83. Now I feel so much younger and can't remember feeling this good even in my 30's! I can't express enough the gratitude I feel for having my life back and I hope this encourages others to make the choice and do what it takes to get their life back and experience the joy of great health again.”

  • 9 year old Angel has had Asthma and Lung issues since birth causing breathing problems, rattling in his chest, chronic cough, and fever at times. Mom would take him to the hospital for breathing difficulties, sometimes weekly. Constant use of inhalers (Proair HFR, Flovent HFA, Albuterol) along with other OTC medications. QNT found parasites in his lungs, thyroid, and adrenals along with mold in a previous dog bite. After beginning his personalized QNT protocol, No more ER visits, breathing improved, cough improved, runny nose/congestion improved, fever improved, No longer needs inhalers! Here's what Angel had to say, " I haven't used my inhalers since December 31st, 2020. It's so awesome that with all the things that's been happening I thought I wouldn't survive.


  • No, this is all done remotely so no time is needed from you! We connect quantumly to see what your body is needing/asking for.

  • This should be done monthly because it allows us to monitor your progress, adjust your personalized health plan as needed, and ensure that any new issues are promptly identified and addressed. Regular testing helps maintain optimal health and well-being by continuously adapting to your body's changing needs.

  • QNT assesses which areas of your body are functioning well and which are not. If any area is not functioning optimally, we determine the root cause of the problem.

    Possible root causes we assess for include:

    - Food sensitivities

    - Chemical toxicities

    - Heavy metal toxicity

    - Mold toxicity

    - Bugs

    - Radiation

  • Distance muscle testing can be likened to quantum entanglement, where two sets of particles are interconnected even when physically apart. This process remains the same whether you are in the same room as the practitioner or at home.

    How does it work?

    - During a distance appointment, the practitioner uses their own body, typically their fingers, for the testing.

    With any method, the practitioner asks a question. If the fingers remain locked, it is often interpreted as a ‘yes’; if there is no lock, it is interpreted as a ‘no’. The key is observing any change in reaction to the question being asked.

Have more questions?


Disclaimer: We are not licensed medical professionals, and the information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.