Meet the dedicated team behind Quantum Energy Wellness, committed to guiding you on your journey to holistic wellness.

Meet the Team

  • Keith Chaisson, QP, AADP

    Keith married his high school sweetheart, Jamie, in 1982. They have two children and 5 grandchildren.

    He served 10 years in the US Air Force and was awarded the John Levitow Award. This is the highest honor graduate award for Non Commissioned Officer Leadership School in 1987.

    In 2004 his mom became sick with cancer and his passion turned to Health and Wellness. He self studied the Human Immune System discovering the Miracle Molecule and Mother of all Antioxidants, Glutathione. He learned the critical importance Glutathione plays in balancing life functions at a cellular level.

    They partnered with Neumi’s HydraStat Nano Technology in April 2022. Achieved Double Diamond status in November 2022 and have continued sharing the message of HydraStat as the breakthrough in supplementation delivery that it is.

    Keith and his wife, Jamie, attended Palmer Natural Health Quantum Nutrition Academy and both became certified in Quantum Nutrition Testing.

    They also recently learned of the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed and after review of the technology and all the anecdotal evidence provided through testimonials, they decided to bring this technology to south Louisiana to help others in their ability to heal their body.

    Keith has developed a 3 step protocol utilizing the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed, the AVACEN (Advanced Vascular Circulation Enhancement) Device, and a breakthrough glutathione supplement that has been proven, anecdotally, to deliver total body wellness.

  • Jamie Chaisson, QP

    Jamie has been married to Keith since 1982. They have two adult children, Dane & Danae. They have 5 grandchildren ranging from 12 years old to 6 years old, Gracie, Bree, Mila, Wyatt & Jake who are their pride and joy.

    Jamie was always a stay at home mom until the year 2000 when her & her husband bought a local embroidery store. She ran the business for 17 years and decided to retire from the industry.

    Recently, she and her husband, Keith, decided to invest into a wellness education and attended Palmer Natural Health Quantum Nutrition Academy and became certified in Quantum Nutrition Testing. Now as practitioners they are able to help people get down to the root cause of their health issues and provide solutions to bring their bodies back to homeostasis.

    After learning about different modalities like supplements, the AVACEN device, the AO scanner which uses your inner voice to create personal frequencies to help the body repair itself and the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed they knew they had to bring these technologies to the masses to help them recover from their health issues. This is why they opened Quantum Energy Wellness with their two children and their spouses.

  • Danae Gros, QP

    Danae Gros is the daughter of Keith & Jamie Chaisson and has been in the health and wellness industry since she was 18. Above all things she is a wife to Curt Gros since 2011 and the mother of 3 beautiful children.

    Danae homeschools her children and hosts weekly P.E. classes for the homeschooled kids in our area during the school year.

    Her faith is a huge part of why she is on a mission to help others heal naturally. She believes that is her purpose on this earth is to connect with others on a personal level and help lead them to a life of vitality. God created our bodies perfectly and we know when given the correct environment, our bodies can and will heal themselves!

    She so excited to help bring these modalities to our local area and can't wait to see the transformations that take place!

  • Nicole Chaisson

    Nicole was born in 1989 and is native to the Bayou Blue area. She married Dane Chaisson in October of 2011 and they have 2 beautiful and incredibly smart children.

    Her interest in the health and wellness industry started in 2016 when their son was vaccinated for Hep B against her will. Because of this mindless “mistake”, their son is now vaccine injured. Nicole says, “we have a daily struggle with his anger and inability to understand consequences of his actions.” Nicole has been educating herself in different ways to help him.

    For years we have heard of the healing capabilities of “med beds”. Unfortunately for us, there were none to be found anywhere near us. Until now!

    Nicole said, “When my in-laws contacted me to run this idea of getting a Quantum Energy Wellness Bed, my husband and I joyfully agreed to help. Not only could it help our family but many others also.”

    Quantum Energy Wellness is excited to have Nicole on their team. She brings a great work ethic, knowledge of running an office and has a fun personality to boot!

    Nicole is so excited to be apart of a life changing business and experience how QEW gives people their life back!

Get started with Quantum Energy Wellness, today.


Disclaimer: We are not licensed medical professionals, and the information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.